112 Right - Fugate Ford

Fugate Ford Looking Downstream

River Mile: RM 112 Right
Latitude & Longitude: 36.584411, -83.336087
Ownership: Public Easement
Quality of Road Access: River Road is a paved two-lane highway. A gravel driveway leads to a turnaround circle just above the put-in. You have to carry or drag the boat from the turnaround circle to the edge of water - about 75 yards
Parking: A circular turnaround leaves enough room to pull off to the side. OK for trailers.
Amenities: None
Overnight Camping: No
Bathrooms: No
Potable Water: No
Electricity: No
Groceries: No
Driving Directions: From Highway 25E in Tazewell, turn onto Cedar Fork Road (State Route 345) for 8.5 miles, turn right onto Highway 63 for 5 miles; at “T” intersection turn left onto Alanthus Hill Road across the bridge for 1.0 miles, turn right onto River Road for 5.2 miles, driveway is on the right.

Gravel Path Down to Fugate Ford Put-in
Nearest Upstream Location:
in Virginia
Nearest Downstream Access Point:
103L Mulberry Creek, 9 miles downstream